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This is sick! I got stuck on level 4 a couple times from tech problems hitting the restart, and I might be too dumb to understand it to get past it also, but overall actually made me think and I love puzzles :) so this was so good, be proud of yourself. (let me know if there's a secret to getting past level 4 and I'll try again)

I initially thought if the key disappeared I would know that I got it, I went back for it more times than I think I needed to, but then I saw the little key icon on the bottom of the screen and I thought, "that's so smart!".
Also with the witchy music I thought this was a pumpkin :) 

thank yuo so much!!!! yea you wouldn't be the only one who got stuck on level 4. i probably should've communicated the puzzle a bit better but alas. i did Not have much time. i'll give you a hint: you can bring the key back with you if you collect it in the present then return to the past

and also you wouldn't be the first one to confuse it for a pumpkin,,,,, admittedly the music could've been less spooky but i was running very low on time and just had to make Something. again thank you :)))